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There were many evenings when Paul and I were sitting in his room wondering what we could do to entertain ourselves apart from talking about the time when he decided to hang his athletic supporter from the ceiling and the hilarity that ensued thereafter. This story relates the tale of one of those times. Maybe two.
Just then we realized that we were in for a nightful of unevent if we didn't do something and fast. A group of friends had decided to go camping that night and not being a camping type of guy I declined to go with them. But I knew their favorite campground and told Paul we might could cause a ruckus for them if he was so inclined. He was and we gathered the necessary ingeredients required to do so.
1 rubber snake
1 Melty honeycomb wax candle
1 pair of leather shoes on Paul's feet (no socks)
700 firecrackers in a 32 oz. plastic cup.
1 box of matches.
We drove up the canyon to the campground where we suspected they had gone and soon found the campsite they had chosen. Everything was quiet and it was obvious the campers had already gone to sleep. In order to be more stealthy Paul removed his shoes and proceeded barefoot. Our first order of business was to try to frighten the campers into thinking they were being made the subjects of some satanic ritual. This we did by drawing a pentagram in the dirt in front of their tent door and placing the melty honeycomb wax candle in the center. This candle was quite disturbing looking. It was red and crooked from having gotten soft in the sun at some point. We figured it was precisely what satanists would use (we HAD been inside Academy Square where this type of stuff was a regular occurance, after all.) After lighting the candle we snuck behind the tent to await a response. It seems our camping friends were not bothered by the dim flicker of the candle light so we decided to light firecrackers and throw them over the tent one at a time. This produced a more enjoyable response. The tent door unzipped and someone blew out the candle. I doubt they even saw the pentagram or noticed the bizarre shape of the candle itself. After a few more firecrackers with not much effect we decided to give them what-for. We tore the heads off of a large number of matches and mixed them in with the firecrackers in the 32 oz cup. Then Paul snuck down to the back of the tent to set it nearby and light it when to our dismay the campers all came out of the tent and started milling around! Paul was trapped! He couldn't move without being seen. In an act of selfless bravery he lit a match and dropped it into the cup while he remained holding it! The explosions that followed were many and loud. Especially to Paul. It wasn't long thereafter that we realized the campers were packing up to go home. They were not appreciative. In order to remain undetected we stayed where we were. Paul was nearly trodden on while the campers took their tent down. While packing up, the campers discovered Paul's shoes and decided to keep them in retaliation for what we had done. (This event resulted in a later scheme to retrieve said shoes without bringing suspicion upon ourselves as the culprits.) When they told me about the "drunk hicks" the next day, they were triumphant about having taken their shoes away from them.
It wasn't until 10 years later that I revealed the truth of that night to my friends, the campers. Now we all look back on it. But I can't remember what that rubber snake was for.
The rubber snake was for throwing on Anthony.
ReplyDeleteThat picture was a little TOO apt.
And they noticed it was a pentagram in the midst of packing up their crap and that freaked them out alittle, I recall.
I need to put a link to this on my blog. Maybe tomorrow.
Did we give them very much what-for, I'd like to know
ReplyDeleteI'm SO glad you two hated me. I'd a pissed in muh hyorts...
ReplyDeleteI think "hate" is too strong a word. Orange marmalade is too strong a flavor. Raspberry jam is much nicer. Where's the gravy?
ReplyDeletedo satanists use fireworks very much?
ReplyDeleteI don't think they do. They are not a part of their every day rituals. And they disbelieve in the 4th of July. Very much.