Thursday, September 21, 2006

University Mall - Part 2

It's the palm tree shadow in the foreground that I'm hoping will draw your eye in this photo.
One day we ran out of pennies and had to find some other way to occupy our time at the mall. This was done by dressing me up in a Suicidal Tendencies t-shirt, sunglasses, tight jeans, a long wig and those knee-high moccasins that were the style of stoners, f-dudes and burnouts of that time period. We went to the mall and fooled many, many people into thinking I was cool. One woman was particularly fooled. She came and sat next to me and began running her fingers through my wig and telling me what exquisite hair I had. Honestly, I had no idea who this woman was or why she would do such a thing. When she didn't immediately stop telling me how much she liked my hair and when, 30 seconds later, she still didn't stop, I began to get terribly uncomfortable and in my distress I told her it was a wig, by lamgun! And I ran out the door. I'm not sure where Paul was when this happened. He was probably off buying junk at that magic shop. When I told him what happened he thought it was the best thing since slurpees and wanted to do the f-dude charade again. I told him that he would have to be the f-dude from now on cause I wasn't having any more of it. Me dressed as an f-dude is my raison d'etre. Paul, how in the name of Lamgun did we get our hands on those leather moccasins?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Force is Machine

The Nitzer Ebb show last night in SLC was very great. Here is the play list:

Getting Closer
Let Your Body Learn
Hearts & Minds
Blood Money
For Fun
Lightning Man
Control (I'm Here)
Join in the Chant
Encore 1: Fun to be Had
Encore 2: I Give to You

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

University Mall - Part 1

Sometimes we walked to this very mall 3 times in the same day.
There was very little that Paul and I would not do at the mall. One thing that we wouldn't not do involved a game that we invented wherein we would fill our pockets with pennies and plot to induce individuals into picking them up after dropping or throwing the penny near the individual but only if we were on a tile floor. Carpeted floors don't ring with the sound of dropped coins, you know. Another method was to leave the penny in a highly visible location and wait for someone to pass and collect it. An elaborate scoring system was invented based on which people were least likely to pick up the penny. Children and custodians were worth only one point. Teenagers were worth a whopping 5 points. Everyone else was worth 2. If a fight broke out, 10 points were awarded. This was not as uncommon as it sounds. We played this game often enough to come up with a name for it in order to reference it while not directly engaged in said game. The name we came up with for the game was "The Penny Game" and it was very fun. In this aspect it was very unlike the game that Paul made up where you grab a handful of orange berries off a bush and drop them one at a time in front of you as you walk. The point of his game was to step on the berry and squish it before it bounced twice. I think. It was a very, very bad game though I would be surprised if Paul told me he had ever given it up completely. He was very fond of this game. I tried to convince him on every occasion that his game was bad but he remained unconvinced somehow.