After returning from the Priesthood session of General Conference in April, I told my children that President Hinckley had revealed the 14th Article of Faith which states "Fathers are always right."
At first they did not believe me, but at my insistence and with President Hinckley's words to back me up they eventually came to realize.
I am constantly giving my kids reasons to appreciate me: I help them come up with good names for their stuffed animals like "Xena, Warrior Princess - Temptress of the Nile"; I invite them to accompany me to the top of the nearby mountain to slay the dragon and make dragon steaks whenever we are faced with the decision of finding something to do; I make pancakes for them on Sunday mornings.
That picture of the "bunny" (which looks more like a guinea pig) is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. And the caption is great.
ReplyDeleteI, too, am beloved by my kids for the following reasons:
1. I give them afternoon spankings for anything they might have done wrong that I was not aware of. (This of course is done in jest - They like me to chase them around the house.)
2. I like to offer them "kicks in the pants" when they complain that they are hungry or ask what we're having for dinner. "We're having kicks in the pants for dinner! Hooray!"
3. I like to kiss all the "honey" off them - cause they're covered in it ya know.
4. I like to put pancakes on their pets heads. I'm allergic to rabbits, but the hamster, cats and birds have all enjoyed this pleasure.
You ARE a nice dad. But my kid made me an ambigram that says Best Dad. So clearly I am the best dad.
ReplyDeleteI disagree. I think I'm the best dad. That I know.
ReplyDeleteI think your picture is much too relatable with what your post is about. Pancake in your post, pancake on bunny's head. I expect more from you, Joel.
I actually have to give my kids reasons to appreciate me? Crap! No wonder my kids can't stand me...
ReplyDeleteI made your vision reality. http://mqillustrations.blogspot.com/2007/06/london-olympics-2012-ideas.html
ReplyDeleteOoohhhh you is a toot daddy!!! Love the bunny/guinea pig. Apparently my daughters friends lovey me, cuz they bless me with being there @ my house daily,dancing singing, eating & chilling & begging for sleepovers nightly, so all y'all with multiple children get mooey kudos.
ReplyDeleteCarrie, I think you should change your name to Coherence.
Paul-=)=)=)Definitions of COHERENCE on the Web:
ReplyDeleteA set of beliefs or theories are in coherence when they are mutually supportive and none are inconsistent with any other.
hee-hee that is so me..lovey ya
(course if u meant this in any sort of negative way, i will throw ya down and have to hurt u;)