It's the palm tree shadow in the foreground that I'm hoping will draw your eye in this photo. |
One day we ran out of pennies and had to find some other way to occupy our time at the mall. This was done by dressing me up in a Suicidal Tendencies t-shirt, sunglasses, tight jeans, a long wig and those knee-high moccasins that were the style of stoners, f-dudes and burnouts of that time period. We went to the mall and fooled many, many people into thinking I was cool. One woman was particularly fooled. She came and sat next to me and began running her fingers through my wig and telling me what exquisite hair I had. Honestly, I had no idea who this woman was or why she would do such a thing. When she didn't immediately stop telling me how much she liked my hair and when, 30 seconds later, she still didn't stop, I began to get terribly uncomfortable and in my distress I told her it was a wig, by lamgun! And I ran out the door. I'm not sure where Paul was when this happened. He was probably off buying junk at that magic shop. When I told him what happened he thought it was the best thing since slurpees and wanted to do the f-dude charade again. I told him that he would have to be the f-dude from now on cause I wasn't having any more of it. Me dressed as an f-dude is my raison d'etre. Paul, how in the name of Lamgun did we get our hands on those leather moccasins?